Thursday, May 4, 2017

Personal Project: Remaking Motherboard -> Bridges


I'm remaking my Motherboard game because of a few reasons:

- One majoy coding error that disables a piece from being moved outright.
- The complaint that it's only 4 player and only with XBox controllers.
-  The pathfinding algorithm being way too simple and illogical.

That's why I'm going from this:

Original Motherboard Game
 To This:

New Motherboard Game

Here's what I got so far:

I've written a script that can dynamically rewrite the strings that it uses to access the Unity Input Manager. There you can also generate anything from '1' to 'as-many-input-device-as-you've-set-up'.

For mouse controls, currently it's only one. So any of the 4 players can be setup with the one mouse (or all players with the one mouse, if you want), but seeing as how it's possible for games like "JamesTown" to do it merits more research.

The keyboards are a lot easier. I've picked out combinations of keys that make sense accros the keyboard and made sure none of them overlapped. The you can plug in 4 keyboards into the computer and, as long as each player only touches his own buttons, play with up to 4 players.

Like so

Controllers are handled by unity's Input Manager.